Friday, April 05, 2013

Swimming Classes

This year, we decided to sign Nadiah up for swimming lessons. She has always loved swimming but we did not know how to teach her the right way to swim. Mostly she just floats in the water and play around. 

We found an instructor who is experienced in teaching and coaching kids with disabilities. He is also the coach for the Kedah Paralympics team. So we signed Nadiah up for classes every Tuesday morning. 

During the first lesson Nadiah was so excited that she could hardly concentrate on what the coach was telling her. Plus the coach was too gentle with her that she wasn't listening to a word that he was saying. Me and hubby were on the side telling her off to stop playing and listen. Needless to say that that first lesson was a failure but she definitely had a wonderful time splashing around.

But we persevered and Nadiah attended her classes regularly and slowly she starts to learn the breathing techniques and slowly moving to leg movements. It's been two months now and I can see some progress albeit slow, but she's doing it. She's learning to swim the proper way. 

I'm glad we signed her up. I hope she would be a good swimmer one day.



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