Friday, August 31, 2007

Merdeka, Merdeka, Merdeka

Happy 50th Merdeka to Malaysia and all the people of our beloved country. 



Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Scrapbook Mini Album

When I went to KL, I went crazy over scrapbooking stuff. I went to practically every scrapbooking shop in KL. I alsogot to me my best friend, Wina and her daughter, Dania, while she's back from London for the summer. Wina got me and Nadiah some clothing stuff as gifts and also brought back my purchases from eBay UK which includes Making Memories Mini Flower Brads. Five packs of them, which would have cost me a bomb if I were to buy that much here for something so small and tiny.

Anyway, I was thinking of something to give to Dania before they went back to London and decided to make a scrapbook mini album.

Am too lazy to upload detailed pictures here but you can view them in my scrapbooking blog. But here's a picture of Dania with the album.

I'm told that Dania already has 7 or 8 scrapbooks, secret diaries etc but hey.... this one is handmade by Aunty Yatie so it's got to be something special, right??

Of all the stuff that I got in KL, the best was a circle cutter which I found in my brother's old drawer chest crammed with his architecture rubbish (ok, to me they are rubbish... maybe not to him) when he was a student. It's ancient but still in good working order. Woohoo! What a treasure!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Melaka Trip

Our trip to Melaka was from 20/8 to 22/8. We went to Ayer Keroh and stayed at Paradise Melaka Village Resort.

The building was a little old and needed lots of refurbishment. But at least it was clean. And the swimming pool area was nicely maintained. Lucky for us because we spent most of our times at the pool. The problem was ,you could see the pool from the room and Nadiah kept looking out the window. Excited to see people swimming and she kept running around the room saying,

"Schwiming, schwiming!!"

As soon as we entered the room when we first arrived, and she saw the view, Nadiah had all her clothes off in record time.

Nadiah enjoying herself at the pool

That's our room, top right, taken from the pool

Living and dining area

The swimming pool taken from the room

The next morning we planned to go to the zoo. But had to postpone because the pool was too tempting for her. So we went in the afternoon and missed some of the animals because they were napping. But those that we saw were great and Nadiah loved the zoo.

When we moved from one animal to another, she kept saying "Bye-bye, see you later". Just like Baby Bop did in Barney's Visit To The Zoo video.

Enjoy the slide show

Back in KL, we spent some time with baby Irfan. He's so cute and cheeky. I caught this incident on camera on him trying to get Nadiah's attention

1. Irfan eyeing Nadiah

2. Getting closer....

3. Hold out his hand to get attention
And Nadiah looked bored and uninterested in all those pictures, not to mention very unphotogenic (if there's such a word).

And here's a picture of Irfan, zoomed in:

Friday, August 24, 2007


Yesterday Nadiah told Baba'

"Eat. Hungry, hungry."

She has never express her hunger verbally before. Most times she would just go down to the kitchen and started opening and closing the fridge or cupboards. So this is a first. We didn't even realise that she knew the word "hungry", let alone knew how to use it.

Well done, Nadiah. Hope you'll be using a lot more words to tell us what you are feeling.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Pictures Tell All

I was going to update on my birthday a few days ago but have been so busy that I couldn't find the time. I am now in Melaka taking a break during this week long school holidays. As Shukri has taken Nadiah to the pool (for the third time since we got here yesterday), I'll take this chance to just upload some pics.

1. Birthday lunch at Damiral's Grill with Shukri, Nadiah and G. Parents and everybody else has gone to KL. No cake this year except for a slice of chocolate cake with ice cream for Nadiah.

2. We've been planning to go to KL for weeks. A day before the actual date, Bro#3 called up to say that his son, Irfan, has been admitted into Damansara Specialist Center due to very high fever. So mom joined us to KL to have a look at her youngest cucu. Irfan is so small that it's heartbreaking to think of him being injected with long needles and confined to the bed. When we arrived at the hospital, there he was in his baba's arms, greeting us at the ward entrance. The poor baby has got several mosquito bites on his face and legs. And his voice was so husky when he's moaning in pain due to some inflamation in his throat.

3. On our latest trip to Toys 'r Us, bought Nadiah a harmonica. At first she didn't know what it was and thus wasn't interested in it. But when I started to blow into it, she whooped for joy and grabbed the darn thing from my hands. And hasn't stopped blowing into it since. Luckily she left it in KL since we came here to Melaka.

I'll update on our trip to Melaka in a few days. Tomorrow we'll be back in KL to send off my parents for Umrah and will return to Alor Star either Thursday or Friday. I'm hoping Friday so that I'll have more time to go round the scrapbooking stores in KL. Have been to a few.... and ssshhhh..... will not mention how much I've spend on all those lovely, colourful papers, flowers, brads and god knows what else... Ta!!

Friday, August 10, 2007


When I was 10, the 'jungle' next to our house was cleared to make way for a new house. Before long, a family moved into the new house and they had 3 kids. The eldest was the same age as me and we found out that we were both born in the same month. Not only that, but he was one day older than me. What an amazing coincidence. After years of living in this house, then suddenly a family moved in next door and they happen to have a son who is exactly a day older. Once in a while you'll hear of someone who shares the same birthday as you but usually not in the same year.
Another coincidence: my second brother, when he came back from the States, was introduced by his friend to a girl who works in the same office as he (the friend that is). So my brother started dating this girl and after exchanging infos on each other, they found out that not only were they born on the same date, they were also born in the same year. Same day!! Amazing!!
How many people can say they date a girl/boy born on the same day as them. Better yet, how many people can claim they married a girl/boy who was born on the same day. Yes, they got married.
And let me say that it proved that people born with the same star or in the same year, share the same traits. Because they are sooooo very much alike. I also know another person who shares the same birthday with them (but not the same year, of course) and share some of the same traits. Amazing!!
So to my ex-neighbour, Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day.
psst... that means my birthday is tomorrow... heheheh

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Found It!!

Cat has been found.

I repeat.


A few days ago, I bought a big plastic box/container to put in Nadiah's old clothes. And in the box was where the Cat was.

Who else must have put it in there if not the owner herself.

Now everything is back to normal again.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


OK don't panic, DON'T PANIC!!!

Nadiah has lost her cat.

It's stuffed, it's dead and it's wearing a collar with the name Tabatha around it's neck.

If you've seen a faded orange and white cat, who looks like it's been rolling around in the washing machine one too many time.... that's the one. It answers to the name CAT.

Below is the latest picture of the missing cat:



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