Sunday, December 28, 2008

School Holidays

School holidays for us lasts for just over a month. That's because Nadiah's classes at NASOM went on till the end of November. Everything was jam packed in the first two weeks of December with weddings, Nadiah's schooling for 2009, Nadiah's school assessment and taking her jalan-jalan. It didn't help that everyday over the holidays she woke up at 7 am when before that it was such a struggle just to get her to open her eyes at 8.30 am. But this past month, she's up and about, all fresh from her shower by 7.30 am. Then right after breakfast, she's out of the house playing with water and sand, building sand castles.

No, we're not at the beach. Hubby got some sand from next door where they're doing some construction, and dump a load in the empty flower bed. But water + sand = a girl who is soaked all over from the "extra" shower. This happens several times a day, so just imagine the laundry I have to do each day... *sigh*

Hubby and I have to take turns watching over her every hour or so, because she gets into all sorts of trouble. During craft time, she gets glue all over her, the blanket, her hat and don't even mention the table. Or she finds some blue tack, thinking it's play doh: she's rolling it out, stretching the thing and opps.... it's stuck on her head, pressed flat over her hair and scalp. So we had to cut some chunks of her hair to get it off. *sigh sigh*

But to give her credit, she loves doing all these. They might drive Mama and Baba up the wall, but what does she care? She's a kid and kids do these things huh?

Anyway, over the holidays we were down in KL for two weekends in a row. The first was for my cousin, Nana's wedding to Faizal in Damansara. She's the youngest girl cousin on mom's side of the family. It was great to be able to meet up with the family again and catch up on each other and get the family gossip of the moment.. hahaa!! Although some cousins couldn't make it but all in all, everybody was pretty happy with everything. Here's some pics from the events:

The bride and groom (obviously!)

Mother of the bride blessing the couple

At the reception, Nadiah was a lot more happy spending time at the fountain rather than in the hall...

Imran, my cousin's son, being cheeky

Me with cousin and niece

Then the next weekend, we were back in KL again. On Saturday, we decided to take Nadiah to Taman Pertanian Bukit Cahaya Sri Alam (or something like that) in Shah Alam. We were hoping to get her to experience some snow as we heard that they have some over there.

So off we went to Shah Alam, not really sure what to expect. We got there around 10.30am and saw on the board that the 4 Seasons House is experiencing winter. Oohhh.. we were so excited. Or rather, Mama and Baba were. Nadiah didn't really know what was going on. She thought we were going to see some lions.

We got in line for the open-air bus ride which would take us (we hope) to the House. When the bus came and we got on, Nadiah was really amazed that the bus had no windows and she could feel the breeze in her hair. I had one arm around her all the time in case she leaned out just a tad too far. The bus took us everywhere in the park and it was a BIG rain-forest park. S0 many things to see in just a glance from the ride. I saw an animal park, a spice garden, a bird park, some cultural buildings which I didn't get to read the name and of course the 4 Seasons House.

When we got to the House, we got our tickets, and pushed through the entrance, we could already feel the slight drop in temperature. The first hall had some exhibits on how the snow house was made and such things. We didn't bother with that but went straight to the double doors on the other side. So we rushed in and.... Man, it was cold!! It's a hallway with glass windows on each side. In the windows we could see scenes of snow in the winter with frozen lakes, penguins, snowman and an igloo. Basically everything was covered in snow. There was also a door on each side where we could go into the "scene" and walk on the bridge and pretend like you're actually somewhere in Canada or Hokkaido or the North Pole (that's the igloo bit). It was freezing in there!

The thing was, we weren't prepared for the place and didn't even have on a jacket, let alone mittens and scarves. Nadiah had on a skirt and I imagined her legs were probably freezing by the time we got out. But she didn't want to go into the glass rooms. I reckon she was confused by all the whiteness and the cold that she was feeling. The 'snow' that we've been having at home, courtesy of the freezer, felt cold to the touch but never to the whole body. So that was quite a shock to her system.

But I thought it was beautiful in there. I would love to return for the spring, summer and autumn seasons.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Monday, December 08, 2008

Wishing all the Muslims SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA.
To those driving back to their respective kampungs, do drive safely and take care.


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