Thursday, May 24, 2007

Visits To The GH

Gosh! It's been one hectic week after another. For the past two weeks we were the regular faces at the Alor Star GH. First there was the setting up of Nadiah's appointment for Speech Therapy (ST). Since this is our first time dealing with the GH, we thought it was a simple case of making an appointment and then walking into the room at the appointed time, like we always do in Penang with Mr. Alex.

How wrong we were to think so!

Alex had told us that we would need a referral letter, preferably from a health clinic or doctors or anyone in the medical field as long as he or she is government based. So he couldn't give us a letter. Fine. We tried to think of anyone we know who could give us one and I remembered a school friend of mine who is a doctor and is now working at the GH. The problem is I don't know which department.

So we keep putting it off. But one day while visiting nephew Daniel at the Kedah Medical Center (KMC) (here's another guy who's a regular at a hospital for the last month or so but that's a whole different story), I met the said friend and took the chance to ask her about the therapist and how do we go about getting an appointment. Hint! Hint! Hoping that she would make all the necessary arrangements.
(Photos are meant as a distraction so you won't get bored reading this :))

Then she said to get a letter either from Alex in Penang or Nadiah's peadiatrician in KMC and to bring it to her and she will write another letter. Of course we chose Dr Razif who was right that minute only 2 floors above us.

So with the referral letter in hand, I went to the GH to see my friend. She had said to just go in through the back door so that I wouldn't have to take a number (hah ha! I love having doctor friends...).

After getting a letter from her, I went straight to the ENT department to set up an appointment. Surprisingly we got an early one which was the next week.

OK, all of my life, I have never been to the GH for any medical attention except to visit patients and when Nadiah was in the incubator for a month right after she was born. Neither has Shukri but in his case, he seldom needs any medical attention anyway. I'm not a snob or anything; it's just that that's the way it was. Most of the time I'll go to KMC or on several occasion to the private clinics. So I have no idea what the system is like in GH.
Nadiah with her new shades she got at school

Boy, were we in for a big surprise. On the appointed day, we left the house at 10am to go to GH because that's the usual time we always go to KMC. At the registration counter, we found out that we were number 69. At that moment the nurse was calling number 25. Wo! Such a long way to go. We reckoned our turn will only come after lunch time, so we went home. It's only a 5 minute drive so we'll be able to take out own sweet time.

At 2.30pm, we were back but the waiting area was quite empty. When we asked the nurses, it seems that the doctors do not stop at lunch time and afternoon sessions are only for appointments with the therapists or special cases or something like that. And apparently we can't go straight to the therapist but instead have to see the ENT doctor and then we'll get to see the therapist. So we had to reschedule to the next week.

Come the next week, I made Shukri go to the hospital early and get a number while Nadiah and I will follow later on. He was there at 8.30 am and still only managed to get number 30-something. Nadiah and I were on standby since 10 in the morning waiting for Shukri’s call to come to the hospital. The call finally came at 1.30 pm. SO we rushed to the hospital and had to wait for only 10 minutes. Alhamdulillah Nadiah did not post any arguments with waiting and was fine going into the doctor’s office. Dr Siti was really nice and Nadiah seemed to like her. After some Q&As, she suggested Nadiah to go through Audio Test, ST, Occupational Therapy (OT) and a formal assessment with the psychiatrist.

Phew!! I thought initially we were only going to ST. How did we ended up with all these other stuff? Never mind. If it’s going to help Nadiah, then we’ll go through everything. The nurse got appointments for us for the audio and ST because it was in the same department. But we would have to go and get our own appointments for OT and the psychiatrist. And of course it WOULD have to be in other buildings which are on opposite sides. So off we went. OT for the next week and all the others for the week after that.

To cut the long story short, Nadiah did OK at the OT; even managed to leave her alone with the therapist for some one-to-one session. The next OT session will be on the 30th May.

Green-fingered Nadiah planting pokok temucut (don't know what it is in english)
At the psychiatric counseling session she refused to go into the office so the counselor asked for just me to be present while she did some interviews. Then we were given a date to see the consultant psychiatrist and hopefully he will successfully conduct the assessment on Nadiah. While I was in the counselor’s office, Nadiah was golek-golek-ing out at the reception area. Still in the throes of her tantrum. Shukri said that people were starting to look and then there was this one guy who approached him, and from Shukri’s telling I gathered the conversation went something like this:

Guy: You know, you should try and take her to see Ustaz Jamil
Shukri: Oh really? Who is he?
Guy: He treats people. He was one of Harun Din’s students and has an office around here
Shukri: So what is he good at treating?
Guy: He’s good with mental people. You know, I was a mental case before but now look at
me, I’m OK now
Shukri: Ooo-kay… thanks. *and walks away with Nadiah*

Yeah like he’s going to take advise from a nutcase!!

Anyway, yesterday was the audio and ST appointments. Uh-uh… did not go well at all. We have to reschedule the audio test because she was not responding at all. Although the tester said there might not actually be anything wrong with Nadiah’s hearing, she would like to do the test just to be sure. So we’ll have to come again in two weeks time. Then at the ST, she cried all the way through and refused to do anything. But then again, Nadiah has always been wary of new faces and new places. It was the same when we first visited Alex but after that she was always the first one to go through the door. Hopefully the next visits will be better. Even if she just sits at the table not doing anything, please don’t let there be anymore tears. I can do without the tears. When she cries, I feel like crying too because I feel so helpless and frustrated. I don’t know what she wants and she won’t speak to us and it’s just so heartbreaking to go through these episodes.

While all of these were going on, my Mak Lang (mom’s sister) had a mild heart attack. We got the call at 1.30 am last Friday and rushed to the GH. But she had already been admitted into the CCU so my mom and I kept my cousins company outside the unit. But at 3am we decided to go home since there really wasn’t anything to be done except wait.

Inai on her nails
The next day we made a visit in the morning but still weren’t allowed to see Mak Lang. Were only able to see her during the evening visiting hours. She looked frail but was holding herself together. Most of the aunts and uncles and cousins came back to be by her side. But I am now happy to report that after three nights in the CCU, she was then taken to a regular ward for another 3 and is now back at her house. She would have to take it easy for this couple of months and hopefully be back to her usual self.

So that’s what’s been happening these past few weeks. A couple more weeks I think I would know the hospital from one end to the other. Alas, they will be moving to the new hospital, an even bigger one, sometime in July…. and me and Shukri will once again be threading Nadiah behind us looking for the ST, OT and psychiatric blocks. Hopefully we won’t get lost. Hopefully Nadiah won’t cry on every first appointments at the new place. And hopefully they have more parking spaces at the new place….

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Mother's Day Party

Yes, I know it's been days since Mother's Day, but I've been busy with beading and hardly had anytime to write about the party. So what do you think happened? Did we have a good time? Did we win any prizes?

OK, so here's the story.

After the survey that I posted on which dish to take with us as our contribution, I finally decided to go with the custard cocktail pudding. Why? Because it's the only one I could serve in a little disposable plastic containers so that I wouldn't have to bring back any breakable dish back with me. (Sorry for those who voted for apple crumble... I personally would have chosen that as well).

So the night before the party me and mom decided to make the pudding earlier so that the next day we wouldn't have to make it early in the morning. All this while mom has always been the one to stand at the stove stiring the custard until it's done. But that night she asked me to do it because she wanted to watch the AF concert. Let me tell you, it was so darn tiring. I thought my arms were going to come off but instead I developed more muscles... hehehee!!

So here's the finished product.... ta da!!!

(Wait a minute! I can't seem to find the picture. I am sure I took it but it's not showing up in the camera. So sorry, no picture of the puds.)

On Sunday at 2 o'clock we arrived at Nadiah's school all set with the 60 cute little pudding containers. Everyone was ushered into the school hall. But even from the car park we could hear loud voices over the speaker. And Nadiah knowing Nadiah, she stated to slow down her steps and refusing to go into the hall. Instead she ran away to the swing sets. Her teacher came out to coaxed her but to no avail. So we asked for a little time for her to settle down and will proceed to the hall when she's feeling better.

After a while, we tried getting her to the hall but stopped short at the door. She sat on the steps and cried. And we sat right along with her and waited some more. Whichever teacher inside was conducting a game for the parents and children and she was shouting..... into the microphone. I don't understand why she needs the mic since the whole school could hear her. Nadiah wasn't the only child refusing to go in. There were few others as well. In the end her teacher offered to stay with her so that Shukri and I could join in with the other parents. We were reluctant but she insisted so we left Nadiah in her care.

When the activities were over and it was time to eat, we were the first ones out. No, not to the food table but to see if Nadiah was feeling better. She was playing choo-choo train with her teacher and another girl. She seemed fine but still wouldn't join the others even if it was only to eat. So I picked out some food and took it over to the playground. She only took a bite off some cake and went back to the swings.

It was so not the Mother's Day party that I had imagined. I thought it was going to be a day where we could all join in with the other parents and children and have such great fun. Instead when the teachers asked all mommies to stand on the stage with their children and be celebrated, I didn't feel at all like celebrating. When they had the children presenting prezzies to their mommies, my child was out there doing other things. I didn't have fun and couldn't wait to get off the stage. It felt like everybody was looking at me although I know it was just my imagination.

OK enough already with the pity talk. I don't normally get like this. It must be something in the air tonite. Anyway, after a little food and conversations with some other parents, we made our excuses. Nadiah seemed happier when she realised we were leaving. She actually waved goodbye to her teachers and there was a little skip to her walk.

And so that was how the party went. All in all the party was so-so. Food consisted of mainly store bought cakes and those others that was home cooked was sadly limited to us muslims. We only had a choice of baked macaroni, curry puffs and my pudding. Although everyone was reminded to bring only halal food, we dare not touch the others for fear of the cooking utensils used in making them.

Anyway, I know it's late but Happy (belated) Mother's Day to all fellow mommies out there. Hope you had a good one!!

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Round Up

My mom and dad planned to go to SP. We decided to tag along as it’ll give Nadiah a chance to go swimming at The Club. So right after Friday prayers, we were on our way.

Nadiah’s first time as the swimming pool was when she was about a year old. She screamed her lungs out the whole time and refused to let go of Baba. It was such a distressing time for Shukri and me especially when she peed all over Baba. The funny thing was she loved water and still does. She enjoys a good long bath in the bathroom and would get really excited when she sees a basin full of water. It must have been the size of the pool and all that water that was freaking her out.

So for the longest time we had never taken her to anywhere near a swimming pool. One time cousin Amir wanted to go swimming and we were all there at The Club and tentatively re-introduced her to the world of swimming pool and she screamed her lungs out again. But not from refusing to get into the pool this time. She screamed because we wouldn’t let her. We didn’t bring any swimming gear with us and wasn’t ready to trust anyone with her in the water.

The next day we were back and all ready for a day at the pool and Nadiah took to water like… well.. fish took to water. It’s been a few years now but each time she would only stay in the kiddy pool, not venturing to the other pools however we coerced her. Part of it was because she was scared, I think, and another part was because kids like her loves routine and hates changes.

But that particular Friday, she got out of the kiddy pool and tried her feet in the other two pools. She had her arm floats on so I wasn’t worried that she would go under. Anyway, Shukri and me were there all the time to grab her should anything happens and the water only came to her chest.

At first she would jump into the bigger pool for a second and climb out again. Then the second became two then five, then a minute and eventually she stayed in for more than 10 minutes. At first hanging on to the sides and slowly kicking away towards the middle doing a beginner’s backstroke. I was so proud of her. She was gaining so much self-confidence that she was venturing forth on her own.

On Saturday, Chik, Kak Yam and me decided to look around the Hari Penyayang festival hosted by the Yayasan Sultanah Bahiyah and held around the vicinity of the Stadium Darulaman. It’s an annual event which we usually get free coupons and it wasn’t to be missed.

There was so many things going on at the event: food stalls where you can get kuih cara daging sultan (the actual recipe made by the same lady who serves the Sultan) and many more mouthwatering delicacies you can feast on. The were exhibitions, auctions, extreme games compertition, Larian Bendang marathon, a mini concert featuring Awie, Farah and Adam AF and many, many more going on.

As I was browsing around the exhibition stalls, the end of my eye caught the word NASOM (National Autistic Society Of Malaysia). I made a bee line for the booth and asked the guy handing out pamphlets if there was a NASOM center in Kedah. I was told that there is one newly opened in Tmn Muhibah. Great!! More Qs&As and I found out that the center seems to have quite a facility and have links with therapists at the GH. When the guy introduced his wife, who is running the center, it turned out to be my old school mate from primary school. What a small world. I was urged to come and have a look at the center anytime and left the booth with a smile on my lips. I can’t wait to check it out.

One round along the food stalls and coupon-less later, we drove back home with the car boot full of nasi tomato, ayam golek, beef rendang, cheese cakes, muffins for Nadiah, tapai, coconut jelly and dried spices and instant noodles and bottles of chili sauce and ketchup. It was coupons well spent indeed.

Sunday is a school day for Nadiah. After sending her to school Shukri and I decided to lepak at City Plaza until it was time to fetch Nadiah. As usual when we get there, Shukri went off to the basement to check out his computer stuff and I went straight to the bookstore. Got myself some books to read as well as adding them to the online bookstore.

I bought:
  • As I Was Passing by Adibah Amin
  • As I Was Passing II by Adibah Amin
  • Confessions of An Old Boy: The Dato’ Hamid Adventures by Kam Raslan
  • The Shadow In The Wind by Carlos Ruiz Fazon
  • Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke
  • The Dubutante Divorcee by Plum Sykes
  • Fikah Harian by Dato’ Haron Din

After paying for all the books, I made my way to Secret Recipe to wait for Shukri for our ‘date’. We seldom get to spent time just the two of us so 2 hours, three times a week are all we have when Nadiah is in school.

It was 7 am and Nadiah was already up. As much as I try to linger in bed, I eventually had to get up and bathe and clothed her and get breakfast. Nadiah seldom eat breakfast because she’s usually up late and goes straight to lunch.

Since she was up early, I decided to take her along to check out the autistic center. I had the address on hand but didn’t know the exact location of the house. After 15 minutes of driving around, we finally found the right one. It wasn’t far at all from the turning into the taman, and which I completely missed earlier.

I was all set to unlock the door and get down from the car when disaster struck. Disaster in the form of loose vcds. You see, Nadiah takes around an inch thick of loose vcds everywhere she goes. And these vcds has a particular arrangement: Elmo’s World MUST simply be at the bottom. Then comes all the other Elmos, then The Books Of Pooh and something, something else and lastly Sesame Street’s Zoe’s Dance Class must be on the top. No one, and I mean NO ONE can rearrange the vcds or there will be trouble.

Anyway, when I stopped the car, Nadiah’s vcds went flying down to the floor. I tried helping her pick them up even though I knew that I absolutely CANNOT touch the vcds because of her particular way of arranging. She started to bawl when she realized one was missing. I didn’t though. I thought they were all there and no matter how many unflattering bent with my butt sticking out of the door and looking under the driver’s seat could unearth the blasted thing. I tried telling her there was nothing under the seat but she didn’t believe me. What do I know? I’m just the mother.

In the end I got behind the wheels and drove back home with Nadiah still wailing in the back. Back at the house, as I was getting out of the car, there it was, stuck to the side of the seat. Not under, but on the side. The second I handed her the vcd, Nadiah stopped her wailing altogether and gave me a bright big smile and hopped out of the car.


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Music And Lyrics

Last night I watched a new movie called "Music And Lyrics"

Movie trailer:

First you're hot, then you're not...and then you're Alex Fletcher (HUGH GRANT). So when the sizzlingest tween-queen on the charts asks the has-been '80s pop sensation to write her a song, he grabs for another chance at stardom. Problem: Alex can say it with music, but he sure can't say it with words. Enter Sophie Fisher (DREW BARRYMORE), his beguiling if quirky plant lady, who has a green thumb for lyrics. Together, they go after songwriting success -- and discover that if you want to write the perfect love song, it helps to fall in love. With Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore at the keyboard and Marc Lawrence (Two Weeks Notice) directing, Music and Lyrics is a witty, wacky romantic comedy that faces the music...and laughs!
I love this movie, but then again, I've always loved this sort of romantic comedy, feel good, chick movie. Especially when it has Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore. Both were at their best being funny, quirky and weird, not forgetting Grant's English sarcasm.
I do admit I have a thing for British actors like Rupert Everett, Colin Firth and Hugh Grant. I think it's in the accent and their ways in pulling a dry joke with a straight face.
The theme song, A Way Back Into Love is a hit. The movie started with a video clip of the song "Pop! Goes My Heart" by Alex's has-been group, Pop. This one was crazy funny with it's 80's theme that brings back Duran Duran, A-Ha and Frankie Goes To Hollywood to mind... I just couldn't stop laughing watching this.
Here's the song A WAy Back Into Love sang by Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore in the movie

More clips:
(check out the hair-do, the acting in the video and the hip movement... heheehee!!)
(the full version sang by Hugh Grant and Haley Bennett)


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