Friday, January 15, 2010

When Tomorrow Is Today

Whenever Nadiah wants to go somewhere like swimming or Tesco or McDonald's, she would say "tomorrow swimming" or "tomorrow Tesco etc. What she really means is that she wants to go now, today.

I am having a hard time explaining to her the difference between tomorrow and today. I thought drawing it down of paper would help. So I sat her down, and drew in a book sort of like a time table with names of days at the top of the columns and under each school day I would write SCHOOL. And I go through with her.. Sunday, you have school. Monday, you have school and so on. And she would repeat after me. Then when we came to Friday, I wrote down SWIMMING.

Since it was Thursday, I explained to her that "Today, you went to school (we just came home from school then) and after you have dinner, sleep and wake up again, it's Friday and you can go swimming". She said, "Friday go swimming". We went through again and again from Sunday to Saturday and Nadiah seem to have grasp the meaning and settled down for the night.

So Friday morning, she woke up and the first thing she said.... "Tomorrow swimming".


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

American Idol Fever

Today was the start of American Idol Season 9. I love watching AI but honestly, I rather love watching the auditions more than the concerts. They're such good laughs especially looking at the horrified looks on Simon and Randy's faces when a particularly horrible singer takes the 'stage'.

I actually had to wrestle the remote with Nadiah because she wanted to watch Playhouse Disney now that she's watching them on TV. A few months back she would only watch PD if I recorded the shows and copy them into her pc. It's weird but we just go with the flow. Now that most of the pcs are either not working very well or not connected to the internet, she has chosen to watch TV. To the despair of my mom because Nadiah would insist on watching it in her room, depriving my mom of her Indon or Korean dramas. Not only would Nadiah keep a hold on the remote, she would also take it with her when she leveas the room. Hehee.. poor mom!!

Anyway, I hope this year AI would find someone as original as Adam Lambert or one with the beautiful voice of Danny Gokey.

Ooo... and I also can't wait to see Ellen as a judge. That would be so, so cool!! I was quite dissapointed earlier when Victoria B was there instead as a guest judge. So not her fan!! Hope Ellen makes an appearence soon.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

2009 Recap and 2010 Hopes & Challenges

I hope it's not too late to wish everyone a very happy 2010. May the new year brings you happiness and blessings from the Al Mighty.

I'm trying to remember what went on over the last year. So many months seemed to have passed by in a whizz and others stayed in my mind as clear as day. So let's recap..

In January, it was Nadiah's first day of school at Superkids in a normal class room. Hubby and I were worried but she loved being in school even with hundreds of other kids and didn't mind the big number or the noise. It's just when the teacher started shouting through the microphone that she got upset. Who wouldn't??

Because of the age difference, she was at least a head taller than every kid.

In February I discovered the Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon and completely changed my reading genre. ASH IS THE BEST!!!

In April, the girls of Sultanah Asma School class of 1992 had two reunions. One was a karaoke nite in KL and the other was a tea party in Alor Star. It was great!! I had loads of fun at both venues catching up with old friends.

Then there was also Nadiah's 7th birthday. We had a little party at home with cake and lots of little presents for Nadiah to open. I think the best part for her was opening up presents.

In May, I won a mini album challenge for the first time. I made a heart shaped album titled 10 Things I Love About You. It's about Nadiah of course. Please click on the link to see the whole album.

Also, I was honoured to be part of the Scrapbook Showcase hosted by Scrappingville and held at the concourse of Bangsar Shopping Complex. The guest of honour was Tun Dr Siti hasmah Ali. What a day that was.

I also bought myself a new laptop.... which is currently in need of service as it's as slow as a snail *sigh*

In June, I was made a member or a design team (DT) not one but TWO international scrapbooking challenge blog. One is with a Singaporean based blog, Scrappin Kids and the other is with Twisted Sketches, an American based blog. What a major achievement that was!!

In July, I held my first SB/altered arts class in Scrappingville. It was on Perfect Pearls and I don't know if I'm right but I seem to be the only one using PP widely in Malaysia. I love PP because it's very versatile. You can use it dry or use it wet. Either way goes. I could be wrong though. But I would love to see more people use Perfect Pearls.

In August, I held my first of many Beading Classes. But the first was always the most memorable. It was held in WNS Homestay, Alor Star. 17 people turned up for the class. It was tiring but well worth the aches and pains.

In September, I realised that Nadiah had started to talk in long sentences. When she loose something of hers like her fave cat, she would say "Where's my cat? I lost my cat." or something like "My ball is all gone". Not only talking but she had also started to argue. When I tell her to go and get ready to go to school, she would say "No school. Go swimming" or "No school, go KL". And she learned the art of emotional blackmail. How? When she wants something she would come and give me a hug and say "Kiss, kiss". Usually when she wants to get out of going to school. :D I just love arguing with her.

After a few classes of beading, I was able to buy my very own DSLR camera : Canon EOS500D. Soooo proud of myself. That was in November, just after 3 months of conducting beading classes in Alor Star and KL.

December saw me being admitted into the hospital. I was down with pneumonia and was warded at Kedah Medical Center for 6 days. And let me tell you that I was never more thankful for having the forethought of getting medical insurance 4 years ago. First I had a chest X-ray done, then I had to have the water drained out of my right lungs (for which name of the procedure I do not know), then did another chest scan on the CT Scan machine thing. The latter had to be THE most painful experience I have ever had to go though. Not the scan itself but when they inserted the dye fluid into my vein. It was only a few seconds but the most painful few seconds of my life. But thue to my Leo nature, not a tear drop came rushing down. But I cried buckets when I was alone shut out in the toilet. Three days later I had to do a broncoscopy. Another not so happy experience. Right after, I threw up everything I had for breakfast (again in the toilet).

Well, that was life in 2009, albeit brief but full of good and happy moments (except for the hospital part). For this new year, I have a few hopes and challenges. I wouldn't call it resolution per se but rather challenging myself because once I put the label RESOLUTIONS.. they usually don't last very long.

So in 2010 I hope to:

- Have another baby or two..

- Be a DT with at least one manufacturing company. Preferably Prima Marketing but for a start, any would do...

and I challenged myself to making 100 scrapbook layouts and I mean strictly layouts.

Wish me luck and I really, really wish that one of the two hopes will come true!!


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