Saturday, June 02, 2007

Over And Over Again...

Have you ever been forced to listen to the same song incessantly over and over and over again hours upon end?

Last night Nadiah found an old birthday card that plays the birthday song upon opening. She was so intrigued by it that she kept opening and closing it. Then she decided to keep it open and left it like that so the song kept playing continuously.

After about an hour, I decided I've had enough and went in search of the card to put an end to it. To my surprise the card was nowhere in sight. When I went into the bedroom the sound seemed to be coming from the TV room. But when in the TV room, it seemed to be coming from the bedroom. I searched and searched but just could not find it. The sound was loudest at the door and I finally realized that it was coming from the partition wall.

With torchlight in hand, I directed the light into the slit between the sliding door and the wall. Sure enough, I could see the card lodged deep inside. No way of getting it out.

And so the song goes on and on and on until the batteries run out. Hopefully soon!! In the dead of night the sound was unbelievably loud. It drove me crazy all night.

It is now 9:21am…. and it’s still playing over and over and over….


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