Sunday, January 28, 2007

Books, Books And More Books

I love to read. I would read anything from books, to magazines, to adverts to the back of a cereal box. I collect them too. Well.. just books in this case. (No, you will not see cereal boxes neatly stacked on my shelves)

I started collecting books since I was 10. To date there are over 500 books altogether. Mostly paperback novels. It doesn't matter if they are secondhands. As long as they are still in good condition, I'll grab them. When I was a student in UK, every other day would see me going into Paperback Exchange, a secondhand bookshop in Coventry town centre.

It's only the first month of the year, and already I have bought 25 books. 12 of those I got them at RM5 a piece at a book-fair that was held at the Darulaman Stadium vacinity a few days ago. 7 I had bought at MPH Sungai Petani and online (of which 6 had already been read) and 6 more on the way via post.

Shukri complains that whenever I started to read a book, I'll be so absorb in it that it usually takes him a few times to call my name before getting an answer. Even that is usually a halfhearted "yes". I just can't help it. When I read, there is a auto movie-making machine that goes on in my brain where my "inner-eye" can see the story being acted out as I read. That's why I am oblivious to everthing else that goes on around me.

When I read a new book by a new author and love it, I'll start to buy all the other books by the same author. Recently I discovered ebooks. I went crazy for awhile buying ebooks online and installing them in my handphone so that I could have something to read while waiting at the bank. After the flurry had passed, I realised that nothing beats the feeling of holding a book in your hands, sitting on the sofa relaxing while being transported to another world, pausing a few time and staring into space with a tiny silly smile on your lips, while you replay a particular scene in your mind. Aahhh... the joys of reading.

Some say that diamonds are a girl's bestfriend, but to me books are my best friend. When I'm down and feeling blue, I'll loose myself in a book and for a few hours, I'll be granted a reprieve from all the problems around me. As soon as I finish the book, I'll be ready to tackle whatever come my way.

So what do I do with 500 books sitting on my shelves? Apart from displaying them, that is. I've thought and thought of how to combine something that I love with ways to generate income. So I came out with the idea of starting an online book rental store. That way, I'll get to share my passion with other people, and at the same time, I'll be able to acquire more books to add to my stocks. A brilliant solution or what??

The website is 70% finished and I'm uploading book details in a database and soon, I'll be open for business. Wish me luck!!!


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